Online Casino Malta

admin  7/29/2022

Online gambling is a truly international industry with enthusiastic fans worldwide. Bookmakers, casinos, poker, and bingo rooms cater to a diverse audience, with the focus on countries where the games are legal. They don’t necessarily have the headquarters in the country where they are active and choose their base of operations for other reasons. Malta ranks high in the preferences of gambling operators and there are good reasons why this tiny nation in the Mediterranean is preferred.

  1. The question is: Why are so many online casinos located in Malta and licensed by Malta Gaming Authority (MGA)? For one thing, their fees and taxes are incredibly low in comparison to other popular spots. Malta also has legislation very specific to online gaming, and it’s pretty much its main industries aside from tourism.
  2. New Malta Gaming Authoritiy Casinos. Malta is a hotbed for online gambling. For this reason, the Malta Gaming Authority was founded to regulate online gambling and gaming activities.Not only is it recognized in Malta as a regulatory body, but also worldwide.

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Online Gambling Regulations. Remote gambling in Malta is regulated by the Remote Gaming Regulations, 2004 issued under the Lotteries and Other Games Act 2001 (LOGA). The regulatory body in Malta supervising online gambling operations is the Lotteries and Gaming Authority (LGA).

A haven for online game providers

MaltaOnline Casino Malta

Over the last two decades, the number of casino gambling operators like and software providers that chose Malta grew at a steady pace. They were immediately convinced by the friendly approach towards Internet gaming and the security provided. One of the big pluses is that Malta Gaming Authority is regarded as one of the most reliable licensing bodies in the world. Second, only to the UK GC, it gives a lot of credibility to casinos, bookmakers, and poker rooms who are licensed by it.

Gambling operators who chose Malta for their headquarters were also keen on applying for a license from the MGA. Such a license is only awarded after thorough scrutiny, but casinos were perfectly happy to go through the evaluation process. The license is recognized internationally and casinos using it are perceived as trustworthy partners. Those gambling operators that have secured such a license will proudly display their seal of approval at the bottom of the website.

Maltese authorities are reliable partners

One of the biggest concerns for online gambling operators is predictability. As long as the laws change often and in an unpredictable manner, companies are unable to make long-term plans. In a highly competitive industry such as online gambling, this can be a crushing blow, especially for smaller or newer players. Malta has a levelheaded approach and its laws don’t change often, so Internet casinos know what to expect and can make coherent strategies.

Taxation isn’t particularly high in Malta, so the amounts gambling operators have to pay are reasonable. Compared to other nations where gaming operators face of financial burden, the small Mediterranean country makes it easier for them to prosper. By not taxing the industry excessively, it provides a strong incentive to international operators to open shop here. Even those who are not physically located in Malta prefer to have their business headquarters here.

Online Casino Malta

Last but not least, universities in Malta are results-oriented and prepare highly competent individuals. A significant percentage of those who graduate here end up working for international gambling firms. This means that companies can always tap into the potential of a new and promising generation of bright individuals. In the long run, this is needed to foster innovation and keep casinos, bookmakers, and poker rooms ahead of the curve.